DNA Timeline Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

There was this pretty cool timeline thing online that showed all these scientists in history that contributed to the discoveries of DNA and it’s properties.  We had find people and dates of certain events based on the questions being asked on the scavenger hunt.  Below is the scavenger hunt.


Along with having to do this scavenger hunt, we had to learn about two of these scientists of our choice.

David Baltimore

The main reason I chose David Baltimore was because he has a very radical beard.  This lead me to believe that he might be a really radical guy.  In science terms, he is.  Baltimore started to study the hypothesis of RNA being a template for the creation of DNA while a professor at MIT.  Eventually, he proved this hypothesis by finding the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase.  In 1975, Baltimore received a nobel prize for this discovery.  Today, his research has helped us in explaining the interaction between tumor viruses and the genetic material in a cell.


John Sulston

The other scientist I chose was John Sulston because he is the most curtent scientist that the website has.  This way, Sulston’s discoveries are based on decades of work before him. By studying the Caenorhabditis elegane worm, which only had 959 cells, which proved that  all of the same species undergo the same exact for of cell division.






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