Meiosis, Mitosis, and Cloning

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There is one thing that is very similar between meiosis, mitosis, and cloning.  They are all forms of reproduction, or making more cells.  But, the way that they do this is very different from one another.


We have looked at mitosis in some past blog posts.  Mitosis is the process of a single parent cell splitting in half into two daughter cells that are the exact same as each other and it’s parent.  This happens through the four processes of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.  Mitosis works especially well for cells and bacterias that only need to duplicate themselves and not be different.  Look at these previous blogs I’ve posted to learn more about mitosis.


Meiosis can be simply described as sex.  But, it’s more complicated than that.  It’s the science in the cells of the reproduction form most living creatures use.


Meiosis also comes in phases, much like mitosis.  But, instead of one division, there are two.  The whole process has to start though with a mommy and a daddy.  Or, for the very least, their cells.  The sperm cell and the woman’s egg (which is a giant cell).  Each carries  23 chromosomes.  46 chromosomes are needed to make up a human code.  When the two come together through the process of sex, they join the chromosomes to make a single cell that will someday become a human baby.  This enjoinment process is called meiosis.  Through these visual bead and white board representations, you can see the process of meiosis.  12648034_1680841742173269_1417592081_n

The 26 mommy and daddy chromosomes are in the same single cell but they are separated from each other.


The chromosomes come together and mix.  The order that they mix in is a random order.  In real life, there are endless combinations and they are all different orders to make different looking children.


The new combinations separate to opposite sides of the cell and then division starts.


An official split is made and there are two new cells.


One more split is made where the new chromosomes are split in half into two new cells.  These four products are called the daughter cells.



Cloning isn’t as easy putting on the same masks and “twinning” like in Star Wars.  You have to have the same exact nucleus.  In modern day, they do this by poking a crazy string needle into a cell, extracting the nucleus from the cell, and placing it in a fertilized egg.  This then creates an exact clone of the taken cell.  Today, cloning is possible but we don’t do it. Why?  It’s illegal.










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